Step 10, 11 & 12 Meeting

A 20-day quick growth plan

Day 1: Practice forgiving others, all day long

Day 2: Consciously catch yourself each time you start to judge someone, and stop. You won’t have to worry about forgiving if you don’t judge in the first place.

Day 3: Every time today you start to think about yourself, stop.

Day 4: Today – be humble. Say “I don’t know” and “I have no opinion about that” and “You may be right.”

Day 5: Be modest, Do not talk about yourself even once today. Turn all conversation toward others.

Day 6: Look at yourself honestly and see the improvement already occurring Like yourself for the progress. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t do something perfectly.

Day 7: Be honest, all day long, but do not injure others’ feelings in the process.

Day 8: Be patient. Let others go ahead of you all day.

Day 9: Be plain today. Buy nothing as a luxury. Eat modestly.

Day 10: Begin to formulate a budget that will allow you to live within your means.

Day 11: All day today, feel satisfied. Sense that what you have is enough. Say it: “I really have enough.”

Day 12: Work diligently today. Put in a full day’s effort. If you have no paying work, work out physically, doing something positive for your body.

Day 13: Be early. Leave the house early. Leave extra time for everything. Do not try to put 10 pounds of potatoes into a 5-pound bag.

Day 14: Be direct with people. Tell them what you are feeling, in a pleasant way. Be honest without hurting. Try being intimate in a conversation with someone.

Day 15: Create positive thoughts today. Each time something negative comes to mind, picture something positive. Think of a favorite, isolated scene and see yourself there. Replace negative thoughts with positive mental pictures and images.

Day 16: Test every thought, word and deed today to see how sane it is, asking: “Is this thought, word or deed self-constructive or self-destructive?” Seek the opposite thought to see if it might be the sane thought. (Example: “I’m going to go in and tell the boss to shove this job.” An opposite thought: “I think I’ll get another job before I quit the one I have.”)

Day 17: Do not try to control anyone today. Leave everyone alone to have thier own groth experience, even if you think it’s crazy. Tell no one anything that they should do. 

Day 18: Praise everyone you talk to today. Comment on something positive you see in them or their work or their attitude. Find something good to say to them.

Day 19: Today be generous. Give away things all day: your time, your attention, something you value, your place in line. Help someone.

Day 20: Today, be calm and silent.  Then, try it tomorrow. Then the next day. Then for aa week. Then for a month. Then for a year. Then, ad infinitum. While others practice the freedom of speech that we brag about in the west, practice the freedom of silence that many respect in the east.