The Group

Around March 27, 2020 Jamie met Rick Walsh in a 24/7 zoom meeting.   Rick came to listen to Jamie share at a speaker meeting in Philadelphia.  After that, Rick started attending LPPBBSG.

The transformation from “meeting hall” to “Zoom Command Center”

Artwork and decorating provided by homegroup members July 5, 2021


On June 2,  2020, Rick Walsh joined LPPBBSG as Jamie’s partner and co-host in the Big Book Study.  They had an  amazing partnership. Rick and Jamie spent hundreds of hours together on zoom:  formatting the book study, reviewing the study script, and getting to know each other.  During these conversations they talked about a podcast of our Big Book Study meeting, and other ways to expand the group to help to carry the message through other platforms.  Rick was instrumental in getting our website up and running, as well as putting in countless hours of edits to the Big Book Study script.  Rick passed away 11/6/2021.

In August 2021, Trish Abell started taking over duties of maintaining the  website, and partnership with Jamie as facilitator in the Big Book study, and other group responsibilities.  Her work has been an undying labor of love and dedication to the group.  We are deeply indebted and grateful for all of her hard work, experience, and wisdom that she brings to our Primary Purpose family.  She is truly part of our lifeblood. 

Our current group officers are Jamie, Trish, Jay S (our group treasurer), Terri T (our group alt- treasurer), and Shaina F (maintains our homegroup member and meeting list, and helping out wherever needed).   Our officers work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure our meetings run smoothly.  We are indebted to them for all the hours of service they give to the group.

 In December, 2020 we became a registered group with GSO.  We held our first Group Conscious on January 12, 2021, with 13 homegroup members from all over the United States, as well as Canada, Denmark and Ireland.  We set up our 7th Tradition collection via check, paypal, and venmo at this meeting.  Subsequent Group Conscious meetings were held in July 2021 (21 homegroup members), January, 2022, and February 2022.  Our current Group Conscious has agreed to meet quarterly.  Our membership has remained consistent with between 15-20 active homegroup members.  We maintain 4-5 active Group Officers/administrators.  

While there are many meetings within the LPPBBSG Group, there are many opportunities for service within the group.  We encourage the spirit of rotation of our trusted servants. We have a variety of service opportunities, for short term and long term.  As we are registered with GSO, and a member of District 40 and Area 64 in Tennessee, we encourage service in these areas as well.  

Our Big Book Study regularly has between 25-35 people in attendance.  Those regularly participating are from  the US and Canada.  There are many opportunities for service and participation in this meeting as we present the study, before opening for discussion.  These positions are rotated regularly.   We have also had participants from the UK, Ireland, Denmark, Australia, and Brazil.  Our other meetings regularly have between 8-15 participants.  

Our zoom room is open almost all day on holidays for those seeking fellowship.